Floral Characters, Jaltomata procumbens

revised 8 Feb 2015  
Link to Jaltomata homepage The information on this page may be cited as a communication with
professor Thomas Mione, Central Connecticut State University, Biology Department, Copernicus Hall, 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050-4010 USA

Materials & Methods. Several accessions of Jaltomata procumbens were grown (Table 1). Plants of each accession were grown in each of three different environments, as follows: Plants A & B (two plants), were grown in the University of Connecticut greenhouse. Two plants, C & D, were grown in the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut. Two to three plants, E, F and sometimes G, were grown outdoors in planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Morphological characterisitics were measured on the parent plants (Figures 1 through 10, mostly in 2012), F1 plants (2013) and F2 plants (2014). The stigma was measured in greatest dimension while the style was horizontal on the dissecting microscope's stage plate.

The parent plants (Figures 11 & 12) were manually hybridized: Flowers receiving pollen were open, but anthers had not yet dehisced, and were emasculated at the time of pollination. Thus, flowers providing pollen were in a later developmental stage than flowers receiving pollen. Some of the crosses resulted in fruit-set (Figure 13, Table 2). The crosses done at the University of Connecticut greenhouse were in a pollinator-free environment.

Follow this link to graphs showing comparisons of the parents and their hybrids.


Figure 1. Corolla size varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens, and is smaller during the pistillate phase, becoming significantly* larger the next day when flowers become functionally hermaphroditic. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations (year 2012) for genetics.

"pistillate" - corolla radius was measured during the first day a flower was open: filaments were shortest and all anthers remained undehisced

"hermaphroditic" - corolla radius was measured after filaments elongated and all anthers had dehisced, the second phase of the flower's life.

Why does the corolla expand while making the transition from the pistillate phase to the hermaphroditic phase, a day after it opens? Here I speculate: A pistillate-phase flower needs only one or a few visits to be pollinated and set fruit, while a flower providing pollen can contribute to a plant’s fitness during multiple visits by pollinators.  Given that a pistillate phase is followed by a hermaphroditic phase, a plant can achieve greater fitness by doing something to attract more visits to pollen-providing flowers than to pistillate-phase flowers.  Having pistillate flowers  the same size as hermaphroditic flowers would invite an equal number of visits per unit time (both phases provide nectar). And these limited number of visits would be better spent asymmetrically, by directing pollinators preferentially to flowers that provide pollen because a flower providing pollen can contribute to a plant’s fitness the most by receiving multiple visits by pollinators.  Given a finite number of insect visits, more than a few insect visits to a flower that is pistillate has the cost of lost visits to flowers where pollen could have been picked up and carried elsewhere resulting in the siring of seeds.
Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean.

*T-tests, 1-tailed, were significant, p < 0.0001 for all tests, one test per accession. A Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, pistillate mean corolla lengths vs the hermaphroditic mean corolla lengths, each pair of values coming from one accession, one-tailed, was also significant with p = 0.0039 (W = -36, T+ = 0.0, T- = -36, 8 pairs; nonparametric Spearman r = 0.9048 shows effective pairing).
And, an unpaired t test that does not assume equal variances gave a p value of 0.0145, t = 2.479, 12 df, Welch correction applied).

Measurements made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled, and were from the base of the androecium to the corolla lobe's tip while the ruler was flat to the corolla.
Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (18,20), accession 321 (16, 24), accession 506 (13,13), accession 569 (12,13), accession 580 (11,11), accession 586 (8,9), accession 587 (13,16), accession 599 (22,23). All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 2. Calyx size varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens, and remains the same* size while a flower is open. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

"pistillate" - calyx was measured during the first day a flower was open: filaments were shortest and all anthers remained undehisced

"hermaphroditic" - calyx was measured after filaments elongated and all anthers had dehisced, the second phase of the flower's life.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean. Measurements made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled, and were from the base of the pedicel to the calyx lobe's tip while the ruler was flat to the calyx.

*T-tests, 2-tailed, were all not significant, p > 0.06 for all T-tests, one T-test per accession.

Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (17, 17), accession 321 (16, 22), 506 (12, 13), 569 (9, 11), 580 (11, 9), accession 586 (8, 10), accession 587 (12, 12), accession 599 (23, 20). All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 3. The extent of darker green spots (pigmentation) on the lighter green corolla varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens, as shown in both this graph and figure 11 below. Measurements were made while a ruler was flat to the corolla, using only flowers in the hermaphroditic phase (all anthers had dehisced). Data from outdoor and indoor plants were pooled. Each value is from one flower and is: (the length of the darker green spots from the androecium toward the tip of the petal / the length of the petal) X 100.

A Kruskal-Wallis Test (nonparamentric Anova) gave a p value < 0.0001 indicating that variation among accessions (columns) is significantly greater than expected by chance.

The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

To consider the constancy of this character I compared the extent of corolla spots on a flower of an herbarium specimen with the data gathered for this graph. Good news! The measurement on the herbarium specimen I made in 1994 was very nearly the mean value of measurements made in 2012 (accession 580)!

Each column is based on the following number of maculae length / petal length measurements: accession 320 (18), accession 321 (22), accession 506 (11), accession 569 (10), accession 580 (11), accession 586 (9), accession 587 (13), accession 599 (23). Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean. The data for accession 320 is highly variable because maculae did not form on flowers of plant B grown in the UConn greenhouse. All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 4. Filaments elongate during the transition from the pistillate phase to the hermaphroditic phase, usually the second day of a flower's life, Jaltomata procumbens. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

"pistillate" - filaments were measured during the first day a flower was open: filaments were shortest and all anthers remained undehisced

"hermaphroditic" - filaments were measured after filaments elongated and all anthers had dehisced, the second phase of the flower's life.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean. Measurements made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled, and were from the base of the androecium to the distal end of the filament. "Filament length" includes the expanded base of the stamen; in other words the zero of the ruler was touching the corolla when then filament length was measured.

Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (13, 14), accession 321 (13, 18), accession 506 (8, 7), accession 569 (6, 8), accession 580 (7, 10), accession 586 (6, 4), accession 587 (7, 3), accession 599 (19, 10).

All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 5. Anther length varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean. Both one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and a Kruskal-Wallis Test (Nonparamentric Anova) gave p values < 0.0001 indicating that variation among accessions (columns) is significantly greater than expected by chance.

Prior to dehiscence fresh (not preserved, not pressed) anthers were measured with a dissecting microscope. Measurements made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled. The same microscope, fixed at one magnification, was used for all measurements.

Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (19), accession 321 (17), accession 506 (15), accession 569 (12), accession 580 (10), accession 586 (10), accession 587 (13), accession 599 (26). All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 6. Percent of filament's length having trichomes, proximal to distal, varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

Flowers were in the hermaphroditic phase (filaments had elongated, all anthers had dehisced). One flower was used for each value. Each value was: (the length of the part of the filament having trichomes divided by the length of the filament including its expanded base) X 100. Measurements made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean.

Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (14), accession 321 (18), accession 506 (7), accession 569 (8), accession 580 (10), accession 586 (4), accession 587 (3), accession 599 (10).

All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 7. Style length varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens, and significantly* increases in length during the transition from a flower's pistillate phase to its hermaphroditic phase. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

"pistillate" - style was measured during the first day a flower was open: filaments were shortest and all anthers remained undehisced
"hermaphroditic" - style was measured after filaments elongated and all anthers had dehisced, the second phase of the flower's life.

*A paired t test was significant, pistillate mean style lengths vs hermaphroditic mean style lengths, each pair of values coming from one accession (p = 0.0007, t = 5.108, 7 df; pairing was effective with r = 0.9173). And, a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, each pair of values coming from one accession, one-tailed, was also significant with p = 0.0039 (W = -36, T+ = 0.0, T- = -36, 8 pairs; nonparametric Spearman r = 0.9048 shows effective pairing).

I know of no functional explanation as to why the style would, after the flower opens, grow slightly. Quite possibly, pleiotropy: there are genes that control the timing of stamen elongation (a day after-the-flower-opens), and stamen elongation has a functional explanation (Figure 4). Perhaps style elongation happens just because the same gene(s) are acting on both.

From this ministudy, we now know that for genetics styles should be measured during one phase or the other consistently, not both phases.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean. Styles were measured by removing a flower and then carefully removing the style from the ovary. The style was then placed on a ruler and measured to the nearest tenth of a mm while looking through either a hand lens or a dissecting microscope. Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (11,12), accession 321 (5,5), accession 506 (4,6), accession 569 (1,2), accession 580 (8,9), accession 586 (3,5), accession 587 (2,4), accession 599 (12,13). All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse 2012.

Figure 8. Stigma diameter varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

Fresh (not preserved, not pressed) stigmas were measured with a dissecting microscope while the style was resting on the microscope's stage plate, thus the view while measuring was perpendicular to the style's length. Measurements made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean. The same microscope, fixed at one magnification, was used for all measurements.

Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (24), accession 321 (31), accession 506 (18), accession 569 (15), accession 580 (12), accession 586 (11), accession 587 (13), accession 599 (31).

All measurements by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor planting boxes in New Britain, CT.

Figure 9. The number of flowers per inflorescence varies among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

The number of flowers per inflorescence was counted using fresh (not preserved, not pressed) inflorescences. Counts made on outdoor and indoor plants were pooled, and data from plants grown in previous years were included.

Vertical bars extend one standard deviation above and below the mean.

Each column is based on the following number of measurements: accession 320 (10), accession 321 (9), accession 506 (18), accession 569 (14), accession 580 (5), accession 586 (11), accession 587 (26), accession 599 (21).

All counts by Thomas Mione in the University of Connecticut greenhouse, the outdoor garden of the University of Connecticut, and outdoor gardens in central CT.

Figure 10. Stamen angle relative to the style. This assessment was made during the flower's hermaphroditic phase, mid-day because with the normal closure of the corolla at dusk the angle decreases.

Flowers were scored as having stamens that angle out strongly, angle out somewhat, or connivent stamens. An example of stamens that angle out strongly can be seen on the right side of figure 1 of the J. procumbens page. Examples of filaments that angle out somewhat can be seen in figures 6 & 15 of the J. procumbens page. Connivent stamens can be seen on the Jaltomata 321 page. These three categories, strongly, somewhat and connivent, were converted to approximate values to make this graph. The plants from which this data was obtained also served as parents in manual hybridizations for genetics.

Each column is based on observations made on the following number of plants/flowers: accession 320 (5/11), accession 321 (6/7, and many flowers and plants in previous years), accession 506 (7/11), accession 569 (5/8), accession 580 (2/2), accession 586 (3/5), accession 587 (5/9), accession 599 (6/13).

Figure 11. Anther size, corolla size, the extent of corolla spots (dark green, above) vary among accessions of Jaltomata procumbens. Flowers shown in pistillate phase. The stigma is darker green than the style. Units along top are mm. Collections Mione 569, 587 and 599 were grown for study, photo by Thomas Mione 2012. Letters "E" or "F" refer to the individual plant from which the flower was removed.
Figure 12. Mature fruit, mature calyx size, and inflorescence variation among some of the accessions of Jaltomata procumbens (smallest units at center are mm, photo by Emmett P. Varicchio, December 2012, University of Connecticut greenhouse).

Figure 13. Jaltomata procumbens. Ripe fruits produced from crosses made during 2012. Above note that the fruit, even though it contains putatively hybrid seeds, is the characteristic size of fruits produced by the maternal parent. Note the fruit all the way to the right: 599 is the maternal parent, the fruit is large, characteristic of fruits set on plants of race 599.

Numbered units along bottom are cm. Photo by Thomas Mione, summer of 2012.

One of the above crosses, 506 X 599, is briefly discussed here:
506 has corolla maculae near the center only while 599 has corolla maculae that extend most of the way out to the tip of the corolla lobe. 506 has stamens that strongly angle out while 599 has stamens that only somewhat angle out.



Notes about Parents
Plants of a given accession had mostly been grown in Connecticut before, introducing the possibility of past gene flow among accessions. However, no evidence of gene flow among accessions was seen. For example, all plants of accession 321 had connivent stamens and all plants of all other accessions have stamens that angle out. And corolla maculae extend, among the plants of an accession, the same distance to the corolla lobe, but among accessions there is marked variation (Figure 1). Hairiness (or glabrousness) is consistent among the plants of an accession, but varies markedly among accessions. In other words, I saw uniformity among the parent plants of the same accession, and variation among accessions with the following caveat: accessions 586 & 587 are so morphologically similar that any past gene flow between these would not have been detectable by eye, would not have been noticable if it did occur.


Table 1. Jaltomata Grown at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, 2012
altitude m
procumbens Guatemala
procumbens Guatemala
procumbens Mexico, Chihuahua
procumbens Mexico, San Luis Potosi
procumbens Honduras
procumbens Mexico, Puebla
procumbens Mexico, Distrito Federal
procumbens Mexico, Morelos
procumbens Costa Rica
did not grow well in greenhouse; plants all died
repandidentata Nicaragua
with few exceptions, not used for crosses for genetics pilot study, 2012
repandidentata Mexico
not used for crosses for genetics pilot study, not used for floral biology studies 2012
repandidentata Costa Rica
not used for crosses for genetics pilot study, not used for floral biology studies 2012


Table 2. Manual Crosses (Hybridizations) Between Morphologically Distinct Races, 2012
Tag Number Accessions and plants used, the recipient of the pollen is listed first and had undehisced anthers when it received pollen.

Numbers are accessions; letters such as "A" or "B" refer to the individual plant.


UConn Greenhouse was free of pollinators.

date of cross


Seeds Planted
1 587A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 30 July Fail 30 Aug  
2 586A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 30 July Fail 11 Sep  
3 599B X 586B UConn Greenhouse 30 July Fail 22 Aug  
4 599A X 506B UConn Greenhouse 30 July
Fruit Harvested
not planted, seeds stored
5 569B X 599B UConn Greenhouse 30 July Fail 22 Aug  
6 569F X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 1 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, about 8 seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
7 587E X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 1 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, about 4 seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
8 506E X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 1 Aug Fail 16 Aug  
9 599F X 587F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 1 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, about 15 seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
10 587F X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 1 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, no germination as of 4 June when soil containing seeds was dumped
11 569E X 587E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 2 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
12 587F X 569E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 2 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
13 506F X 599E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 6 Aug Fruit Harvested F1 seeds planted spring 2013, seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
14 599E X 587E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 6 Aug Fruit Harvested
9 Oct
not planted, seeds stored
15 569G X 587E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 6 Aug Fail 12 Sep  
16 587F X 569G New Britain, CT, Outdoor 6 Aug
tag lost
17 569F X 599E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 6 Aug
Fruit Harvested
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, no germination as of 4 June when soil containing seeds was dumped
18 599A X 587B UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
19 587B X 599B UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
20 586A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
21 506A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
22 569B X 506B UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
23 599A X 586A UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
24 320A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 7 Aug Fail 22 Aug  
25 569G X 506E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 11 Aug Fail 12 Sep  
26 569G X 506E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 11 Aug Fail 12 Sep  
27 569G X 506E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 11 Aug Fail 12 Sep  
28 506F X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 11 Aug
Fruit Harvested
not planted, seeds stored
29 506B X 506B UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug branch broke off 18 Sept  
30 506B X 599B UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug branch broke off 18 Sept  
31 599B X 506B UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug branch broke off 18 Sept  
32 599B X 599B UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug Fruit Harvested  
33 599B X same flower UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug Fruit Harvested,
2 Oct
34 599A X same flower UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug Fruit Harvested,
25 Sep
35 599A X same flower UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug Fruit Harvested,
25 Sep
36 586A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug Fruit Harvested,
25 Sep
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
37 587A X 599A UConn Greenhouse 22 Aug Fail 18 Sept  
38 569E X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fruit Harvested, Oct not planted, seeds stored
39 599F X 587E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fruit Harvested,
25 Sep
not planted, seeds stored
40 599E X 587E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fruit Harvested,
25 Sep
F1 seeds planted 11 April 2013, more than 25 seedlings, 25 seedlings repotted to individual pots in May
41 599E X 587E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fruit Harvested,
25 Sep
F1 seeds planted 3 May 2013, about 12 seedlings, 12 seedlings repotted to individual pots on 24 May
42 506E X 599F New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fruit Harvested,
24 Sep
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, all four seedlings repotted to individual pots on 28 May
43 506E X 506E same plant New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fruit Harvested,
24 Sep
not planted, seeds stored
44 506E X 569E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fail 24 Sep  
45 569E X 506E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug Fail 13 Sep  
46 569E X 569E same plant New Britain, CT, Outdoor 23 Aug knocked off in wind storm 19 Sept  
47 321E X 506E New Britain, CT, Outdoor 24 Aug
tag lost
48 321C X 320D UConn Greenhouse 27 Aug Fail 18 Sept  
49 599C X 586C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested not planted, seeds stored
50 321C X 586C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fail 6 Sep  
51 321D X 506C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fail 6 Sep  
52 599D X 506C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested,
18 Oct
F1 seeds planted 11 April 2013, about 25 seedlings, 25 seedlings repotted to individual pots in May
53 599C X 569D UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fail 18 Sep  
54 599C X 569D UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested, 2 Nov not planted, seeds stored
55 599C X 321C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested, 2 Nov not planted, seeds stored
56 321C X 569C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fail 11 Sep  
57 321C X 587D UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fail 18 Sep  
58 320C X 587D UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested,
18 Oct
not planted, seeds stored
59 320D X 569C UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fail 25 Sep  
60 587C X 569C & 569D UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested not planted, seeds stored
61 587C X 321C & 321D UConn Garden, Outdoor 28 Aug Fruit Harvested F1 seeds planted 11 April 2013, 7 seedlings, all 7 repotted to individual pots in May
  The following three rows are controls, to see if (in the outdoor garden), bagging to prevent visitation by pollinators prevents fruit-set when flowers are not pollinated by hand and bags remain in place for 48 hours. The conclusion I reached is that pollinator exclusion bags should remain in place more than two days. When I bagged the following three flowers I wrote "if 62 through 64 set fruit we need to keep bag in place more than 48 hours." In the following three rows flowers were emasculated when bagged.        
62 506C. Small unripe expanded ovary seen 25 Sep. UConn Garden, Outdoor 30 Aug Fail, 18 Oct  
63 599C. Small unripe expanded ovary seen 25 Sep. UConn Garden, Outdoor 30 Aug Fail.  
64 599D. Small unripe expanded ovary seen 25 Sep. UConn Garden, Outdoor 30 Aug Fruit harvested
18 Oct
not planted, seeds stored
65 320B X 599A UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail or fruit dropped 10 Nov  
66 320B X 506B UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 25 Sep  
67 320B X 320B same plant UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 25 Sep  
68 320B X 586A UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 11 Sep  
69 506A X 506A UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fruit harvested 2 Oct  
70 506A X 320B UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 18 Sep  
71 506B X 506B UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fruit harvested 2 Oct  
72 506B, emasculated but no pollinated by hand UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 18 Sep  
73 599A, emasculated but no pollinated by hand UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 11 Sep  
74 599A X 320B UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 18 Sep  
75 599A X 599A UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug
tag lost
76 599A X 320B UConn Greenhouse 30 Aug Fail 11 Sep  
77 321B X 599A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
78 321B X 320B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
79 321B X 587A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
80 321B X 321B, same inflorescence UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
81 506A X 321B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
11 Oct
F1 seeds planted 11 April 2013, 2 seedlings, both repotted to individual pots in May
82 506B X 321B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
18 Oct
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, no germination as of 4 June when soil containing seeds was dumped
83 587A X 321B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
18 Oct
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, 1 seedling repotted to individual pot
84 321A X 586A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
85 321A X 321B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail or fruit lost18 Oct  
86 321A X 569A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
87 599A X 320B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 9 Oct  
88 599A X 321A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
18 Oct
not planted, seeds stored
89 599B X 321A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep
tag lost
90 599A X 321A and B, two flowers provided pollen UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
18 Oct
not planted, seeds stored
91 599A X 321A UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 9 Oct  
92 599A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
93 599A X 320B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
94 599A X 320B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 9 Oct  
95 599B X 587B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds planted 19 Apr 2013, about 15 seedlings 11 repotted to individual pots 3 June
96 599B X 320B UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 2 Oct  
97 599B X 555 UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
98 599B X 555 UConn Greenhouse 11 Sep Fail 18 Sep  
99 599B X 321A or B UConn Greenhouse 18 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, 5 seedlings, all repotted to individual pots 29 May, taken home by Emmett
100 599A X 321B UConn Greenhouse 18 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, 5 seedlings, all repotted to individual pots 5 June
101 587A X 320A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep
tag lost
102 587A X 321A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, no germination as of 4 June when soil containing seeds was dumped
103 587A X 587A, same plant UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep
tag lost
104 506B X 320B UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep
tag lost
105 506A X 321A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
10 Nov
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, no germination as of 4 June when soil containing seeds was dumped
106 506A X 321A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
10 Nov
F1 seeds planted 11 April 2013, 2 seedlings, both repotted to individual pots in May
107 506A X 506B UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
10 Nov
108 320B X 320A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
109 320A X 506A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds combined with those of cross #110, planted 11 April 2013, about 25 seedlings, 18 repotted to individual pots on 27 May
110 320A X 506B UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds combined with those of cross 109
111 320A X 320A, same plant UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Tag lost or fail 2 Nov  
112 320A X 587A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
10 Nov
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, seedlings, discarded due to lack of space
113 320A X 599B UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
F1 seeds planted spring 2013, repotted to individual pots in May
114 321A X 321B UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
2 Nov
115 321A X 586A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fail 2 Oct  
116 321B X 506B UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fail 18 Oct  
117 321B X 587A UConn Greenhouse 25 Sep Fruit Harvested
24 Nov
not planted, seeds stored