Committee Information and Listings
Standing Committees of the CCSU Faculty
Most committees reporting to the Senate are Standing Committees of the Faculty which have a continuing existence and responsibility over a particular subject matter.
Standing Committees of the Senate
There are six Standing Committees of the Senate, all of which are comprised exclusively of senate members. These committees are charged with conducting specific aspects of senate business.
The Senate President can create—and the Senate will confirm by majority vote—an Ad hoc Committee for a specific task; the committee dissolves once that task is completed.
Faculty Advisory Committee to the Board of Regents of Higher Education
This committee was created by Connecticut statute. Starting Jan 1, 2012 it serves in an advisory capacity (non-voting) to the Board of Regents. One member of the committee is from CCSU.
Lists of members of the Faculty Senate and of Committees
Note: For the current (2021-22) committee rosters, please consult the individual committee pages.