Faculty Senate


[ MEMBERSHIP 2023-24 ]

AMMON COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (1): Silvia Corbera Lopez (Psychological Science) 24 (1)

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (1): Ying Chen (Finance) 25 (0)

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (1): Lori Blake (Literacy, Elementary Education & Childhood Education) 25 (0)

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY (1): Michele Dischino (Technology and Engineering Education) 24 (1)


Sourav Chakraborty (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 25 (4)

Matthew Ciscel (English) 25 (0)

Marisa Mealy (Psychological Science) 24 (1)

Oluyinka Oyewumi (Geological Sciences) 24 (1)



DIRECTOR, IS (or designee): Paul Petterson

DIRECTOR, CIE (or designee, non-voting): Momar Ndiaye


1) Functions and Responsibilities

  1. International Education is one of Central Connecticut State University’s Elements of Distinctiveness and comprises courses and semesters abroad, partnerships with foreign universities, hosting international students, faculty exchanges and hosting international scholars, faculty development, foreign language courses and other courses with an international emphasis, and other programs and functions designed to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of cultures beyond the borders of the United States.  The Faculty Senate’s International Education Committee (IEC) is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning International Education and for promoting International Education at CCSU.

  2. The IEC is charged with:
  3. i) Reviewing and advising the Senate on policies governing the academic content and impact of international programs and activities and any other matters of international education over which the Senate has authority. 

    ii) Reviewing and advising the Senate on any other matters concerning international education or the university’s international focus that come to the Senate for discussion.

    iii) Proposing to the Senate policies or actions that would enhance the provision or promotion of international education at CCSU and playing an appropriate role in implementing any such policies or actions approved by the Senate.

    iv) Reviewing and recommending to the Curriculum Committee and/or the Senate proposals for additions to or deletions from the list of courses given the International (I) Designation as well as proposals for other changes to the I Designation.

    v) Serving in an advisory capacity, as requested by each unit, to any explicitly international academic program at the University.

    vi) Advocating for international education at CCSU.

    vii) Reporting to the Faculty Senate annually.

2) Membership

  1. The committee shall be composed of eight general members (elected by and from the instructional faculty), one representative from the International Studies program, the Director of the Center for International Education, and one undergraduate and one graduate  student representative chosen by the Student Government Association (SGA) or Graduate Student Association (SGA), as detailed in 2)c) below.
  2. For general membership in the IEC, faculty members shall be elected by the instructional faculty through the Faculty Senate Standing Committee nomination and election process during the preceding Spring Semester.  All such members shall be elected for two-year, staggered terms. Representatives from the IS, CIE, SGA, and GSA may be elected or appointed by the leaders of those units.
  3. Membership shall be based on the following distribution:

    i) General

    1. College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Faculty (AAUP): 1
    2. School of Business Faculty (AAUP): 1
    3. School of Education and Professional Studies Faculty (AAUP): 1
    4. School of Engineering, Science and Technology Faculty (AAUP): 1
    5. At-Large Positions from among Faculty in all four schools (AAUP): 4
    6. Graduate Student Association (GSA) Representative: 1
    7. Student Government Association (SGA) Representative: 1

    ii) Ex-Officio (voting)

    1. Director of the interdisciplinary International Studies (IS) program (or designee): 1

    iii) Ex-Officio (non-voting; not eligible to become chair

    1. CIE Director (or appointed representative): 1

3) Organization

a) The IEC shall organize itself as follows:

  1. Once established by a full election, four elected positions per year shall be included in the Spring Semester Senate election process, such that each elected position is held for a two-year term.
  2. The IEC shall have two officers: a Chair and a Secretary.  The officers shall be nominated and elected annually at the final meeting of each academic year for the following academic year from among the continuing, voting members of the committee.  This election shall be the first order of business at that final meeting, following the approval of minutes.  No one committee member may serve in the capacity of Chair for more than three consecutive years.
  3. If any officer resigns or leaves the position before the end of her/his term, then the other officer shall take on full officer duties until the next IEC meeting, when a replacement officer shall be elected.
  4. The new Chair shall set a time and place for the first meeting to occur after the first week but no later than the fourth week of the Fall Semester, informing the committee of this meeting via electronic mail before or upon the beginning of the new academic year in August.

b) Duties of the IEC officers shall be as follows:

    i. The Chair

    1. Shall call and preside at all meetings, which should be scheduled monthly during the Fall and Spring Semesters, with no fewer than three meetings per semester.
    2. Shall draw up and circulate an agenda at least 5 calendar days in advance of each monthly or special meeting.
    3. Shall represent the IEC at the Faculty Senate and in all other University matters, or shall provide for such representation.
    4. Shall work closely with the Directors/Chairs of the CIE, IS, and other units actively involved in international education to facilitate policy improvement and program growth by bringing issues and policy in a timely manner to the IEC and/or the Senate.
    5. Shall write and deliver an annual report of IEC activities to the Faculty Senate.
    6. Shall serve a one year term and may not serve more than three consecutive terms.

    ii. The Secretary

    1. Shall assist the Chair in maintaining records of the Committee’s activities and preparing the annual report to the Faculty Senate.
    2. Shall take and record minutes at all meetings, or arrange to have them taken and recorded.
    3. Shall serve a one year term, with no limit on number of consecutive terms.

4) Floor Procedures

  1. Robert’s Rules of Order, in its latest edition, shall be considered authoritative for all questions of parliamentary procedure.
  2. The Chair or Secretary shall provide each member with a copy of any main motion for general business at least five (5) calendar days in advance of the meeting at which that main motion is to be voted on. However, upon a unanimous concurrence of the IEC members present this 5 day advance may be waived.
  3. The Chair shall include on the agenda any item proposed by any IEC member. If not submitted in time (5 days prior) for inclusion on that month’s agenda, it will be included on the following month’s agenda.
  4. Any other major motion, except of revision of these by-laws (see section i) below), may be passed with a majority of a voting quorum, either at a meeting or by electronic vote (in the latter case, so long as all IEC members are included in the call to vote).
  5. Regular IEC meetings shall be held each month of the academic year, unless the Chair determines that there are no significant reports, old business, or new business for the agenda, in which case any small business may be postponed until the next month or disposed of through electronic communication or vote, providing all IEC members are included.
  6. On the petition of any five (5) members of the IEC, the Chair must call a special meeting within two calendar weeks of receipt of the petition unless a regular meeting is scheduled within three weeks of receipt of the petition. The Chair shall have authority to call a special meeting. The agenda for a special meeting must be circulated 5 days in advance.
  7. A quorum is one-half of all members eligible to vote (at least five voting members).
  8. The order of business normally shall be call to order, approval of minutes of the previous meeting, announcements, unfinished business, new business, and adjournment.
  9. Revision of these by-laws may be passed with no less than 2/3 support of a voting quorum.

Approved by the Faculty Senate: September 22, 2014