Jaltomata estilopilosa S. Leiva & Mione
created 13 July 2017, modified 14 July 2017 

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The information on this page may be cited as a personal communication with Thomas Mione (Biology Department, Central Connecticut State Uiversity, New Britain, CT 06050-4010) and Segundo Leiva G.
Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Av. América Sur 3145, Casilla postal 1075, Trujillo Peru.
The illustration (below) was made by Segundo Leiva G.
Arnaldoa 23(1). 2016.
Link to Jaltomata having red nectar
Link to the Jaltomata of northern Peru
Link to local names including of this species
Link to list of Jaltomata species having edible fruits, including this species

Jaltomata estilopilosa S. Leiva & Mione,. A. Flor en antésis; B. Fruto; C. Antera en vista lateral; D. Semilla; E. Sección transversal de la baya; F. Gineceo; G. Rama florífera;
H. Antera en vista dorsal; I. Corola desplegada; J. Estambre en vista ventral. (Dibujado S. Leiva, C. I. Orozco, J. Murillo & C. Parra 5932, HAO).